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Want to get started on your internship search?

LEARN about what you should be looking for in a good internship, how to build a resume and cover letter, and how to stand out in the application process.

Find COMPANIES and INTERNSHIP available for you. Apply to internships right away on WorkScapers.

JOIN an elite community of other college students seeking to make an impact at an internationally recognized firm.

Our Mission

The Challenge of Securing an Internship Has Never Been Greater
In today’s competitive job market, landing a student internship can be incredibly challenging. Some internships, such as those at prestigious firms like Goldman Sachs, have acceptance rates below 1%. This intense competition underscores the critical importance of meticulous resume crafting, compelling cover letters, and thorough interview preparation.
Recognizing these challenges, we created WorkScapers. Our platform offers college students unparalleled access to information about the most prestigious internships. WorkScapers is designed to empower students with the tools and insights they need to secure the prestigious internships they aspire to. Join WorkScapers today and take the first step towards your dream internship!